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Bring Kathy to your church, school, studio or wellness center for a special workshop that gives families the tools to live more peaceful lives. In this hectic, high-tech world we live in it’s nice to take the time to connect parents and children to movement, mindfulness and meditation. Kathy’s dynamic and engaging personality, along with her passion for kids and families combines to create a fun and fabulous event.
Creating a Mindful Home 
and Raising Peaceful Kids
This workshop teaches parents how to create a mindful home using intention, balance, meditation and positive thinking. Parents will develop rituals they can use for morning and evening that will incorporate the tools they need to slow down and create balance. We teach specific mindful crafts, bedtime rituals, meditation for kids, gratitude journaling, and positive thinking.
Magic Carpet Family Yoga 
and Meditation Class

Join us in a magic carpet ride where you and your child can take a mindful journey to a forest, ocean, or secret garden. The journey continues with traditional yoga poses and positive affirmations such as “I am amazing!”  Through meditation, children breathe, relax and feel the earth, sun and light throughout their body. Interwoven in each class are messages of  positive thinking, gratitude, joy and love.

Peace Place For Kids in Santa Fe is closed but 

we are excited to come to your school or space and bring

our unique brand of magic carpet yoga to your star kids.

Kathy is available for Pop Ups For Peace, speaking and coaching.

Check out our online resources, children's books, and parenting guides



Have a question for Kat? Just want to say “Hi”?


Reach out via cell at 203.788.1993, or email at 


Peace Place For Kids is a Registered Trademark 

Peace Place for Kids 2022 ©

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